Oooooooooh! Yay! clap

Reporters gathered around expectantly, murmuring and spreading rumors about just why Superman had called this second conference.
To explain his absence I hope. Not to officially put an end to his Superman-ness, right? Right????

He shouldn’t think of that right now.
Yes. Because the suit hides *nothing*.

“The truth of the matter is,” his voice cracked, and he swallowed before continuing. “The truth is, I had just learned that... a very dear friend of mine had passed. And it caught me off guard. I guess... I just slipped up, and I cracked. I am not ashamed of it, and I’m not going to put up any pretenses or say that it didn’t happen. It did. I just hope that the world can be understanding of me for it, and allow me my grief.”
*hugs Clark*

“Oh, and for one last point: I would like it to be clear to the public. I am formally renouncing my intention to run in the next mayoral election next term.”

“I need to take care of myself and my household first and foremost. Thank you for your patience.”
Admitting to having a household? Um, why do I think that's not the best idea? Who might start trying to figure out who that household is comprised of?

clap Excellent, moving story, Mouse! Thanks so much for sharing it!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon