Lois tried to hold herself together as she had barreled down the road.
What's going on?

When she saw him standing there, so stern faced, speaking with some supposedly important people, she couldn’t keep some tears from escaping.

“What is it?” Concern filled his features and for a brief moment Lois felt hope spring within her. Hope that he might hear her out, that things might be like they used to be again.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Lane. I have to go on in a moment,” he gestured, stepping away from her.
Not Mrs. Kent? Sheesh, things really *are* bad between them, huh?

Two men appeared practically out of nowhere, ushering Lois to return to the crowds. “No! Wait! Superman! It’s an emergency...”
What *is* going on?

Lois wiped her face and cupped her hand over her mouth, trying to contain her sobs. “This isn’t about us, right now,” she continued whispering.
Uh oh. I have a very bad feeling about this...

She sniffed before plowing forward. “It’s about Clark’s... your father.”

“He... he had a heart attack this morning,” Lois watched, heart breaking, as Superman gripped the sides of the podium, knuckles going white.
He...died? <reads title again> He died.

“He didn’t... didn’t make it.”

Clark closed his eyes and ran a shaky hand down his face. He didn’t move for several long moments. Finally, he looked up and opened his deep brown eyes- his gaze meeting Lois’ own. He was pleading with her, begging her to be lying, asking with his eyes if it was really true. Lois couldn’t hold back any more tears and they gushed forth freely. And with that, he knew. The presence of tears stung at his eyes, and he pinched them shut fiercely. He wished he could hear his father’s reassuring heartbeat once more- even though from this distance, it wouldn’t really be possible- and the lack of it’s sound was only twisting his gut more.
whinging This just broke my heart.

That was one of the saddest things ever! Well done, my friend! Excuse me while I go dry my eyes... mecry

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon