Wow. Well it sounds like once they take care of Tempus that they will have a few things to straighten out. The kiss Clark and Lane had for one. Then Lane and her Clark need to get it together. Plus wouldn't it be nice to know in someway that Lois's child is her Clarks. Maybe H.G. Wells could soul trace it or something as proof. Lois will have to forgive the stray kisses and understand it considering her background. But I can see her being pissed off inicially. They were already in an intimate relationship when he did that little cheat. Lois's past is different. Her and Clark were only starting before she went missing. She married the other Clark. She wasn't cheating on her Clark in that respect. It is complicated because what could of happened if they did not get back together for a year or so. Would Clark and Lane ended up getting together despite not being soul mates? Would Clark and Loes have gotten back together? How long would they all have waited before slipping? Maybe they have to have an agreement about universe hopping and being stranded. Anyway great job, I am looking forward to the finish. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"