Ten Days Later – Monday Morning

Lois and Clark walked out of the elevator and into a hectic and new Daily Planet newsroom.

“Lois, no gift, but I can get you an appointment with Lawrence, my hairdresser. He takes new clients on an invite-only basis.”
Merry early Christmas, Tank!

“I’ve been doing some soul searching recently, you know, with Nightfall and all.”
She finally seduced the priest?

Why not a new haircut as well? Nah!
People say he likes his wives' necks accessible. (no typos in there)

Out stepped a petite, bespectacled, older man with salt-and-pepper hair hiding under a bowler hat and a lifetime of living etched on his face.
Oh dear. Isn't he a tad late? Say, 10 days?

“Actually, it’s Ms. Lane now,” she said, holding out her left hand.
Umm... typo? Mrs. Lane?

“Congratulations, I think? May I ask who the lucky man is?”
Really? That's* how ya wanna play it?

“You did tell her that you’re… you’re…”

Clark snapped his fingers. “Darn! I knew there was something I meant to tell you, Lois.”
laugh And little Miss Galactically Stupid here didn't even put two and two together when they ended up on the ceiling!

“You didn’t have any problems then with…?”

What in the world was he talking about?
Your host still being alive. Although, if Ivy and Zelos are the soulmates in this universe, then that would perfectly explain the absence of a curse.

“Hey, you’re friends with Linda King, right?”

“I wouldn’t use the word ‘friends,’ but yeah, I know her.”
Well... she did do an awesome performance at the pole during Clark's bachelor party.

“I hear she’s banging Preston Carpenter, publisher of the Met Star,”
Well, *something* had to have happened to her brains, no?

Well, she did sleep with him – not much sleep sleep, lately – with Superman, but that was because she was married to him.
So, she slept slept with him before more than she does now? wink

Mmmmm. Not sleeping with what’s-his-name… your husband… Missing the honeymoon routine already.
I'm sure they have a nice supply closet for honeymoon emergencies.

“But Linda King had dinner with Carpenter at the Press Club last night and then was seen leaving his house this morning in the same clothes.
Well... I'm sure she was just there discussing a story.

Lois replied with the first words that popped into her head, “I like to sunbathe in the nude.”

Say what?
New hobby? Ivy peeved it was not her idea? The student surpassing the master?

She would have to have another discussion with her husband about their partnership!
/remembers gag from some sitcom where one wife recommends withholding sex to the other. And then the other wive responded that that doesn't work since her husband is a real hunk.

“Nude sunbathing?” Jimmy walked by her desk, still laughing and shaking his head. “Poor Clark.”
Poor Clark? confused

“You know you can’t nude sunbathe even on a private patio. Not with Superman flying around town.”

Yeah, I’m guessing he might hit a building or two if you started doing that.
New hobby indeed! /Dirt Digger headline: Superman responsible for fifth building damage in Clinton Street area.

/points to above post/

Since I already mentioned wonderful fluff in the last post, I'll just sit back and start ticking off days of the calender till the sequel.

I doubt it will reach 20 parts before it's done

It is taking a little extra time to write as I am doing both a Gfic and an Nfic version, which is proving a bit of a creative challenge at times.
/nods sympathetically while pointing to Hell Hath No Fury. That one gave me headaches/

Thank you to all of those of you have given me such bliss with your FDK Comments through-out posting GEM. Thank you!
notworthy Thank *YOU* for entertaining!


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