Michael: wave Thanks for breaking your clock for me. laugh

Well, he *had* to. Otherwise, Jimmy might have had confronted Superman and that could have been awkward.
Clark left the office, Superman didn't show up!

So, Bruce now knows that Lois stepped out a bit.
I hear Bruce likes to know everything about everyone. For their safety, of course. wink

In all fairness, he either wants to play with Superman on an open playing field or he just had no other ones in the office and figured, they won’t notice.
Or he didn't realize that Superman was as close as her husband when he handed her the flower and that he would find the bug in her flower.

She held out the boutonniere. “Shall we do some target practice?” she asked under her breath.

Heat vision target practice on the boutonniere.

Okay, this is either really sloppy or he *really* wants to play.
If the flower shop hadn't messed up, she wouldn't have been suspicous. I once had flowers delivered to me a week early, because the flower shop messed up. I'm thinking BW won't be using Metro Flowers again in the future, though.

Maybe he likes Japanese school girls?
Why not? Lex did.

/shakes head/ Clark. Clark. Clark. Have you learned *nothing* yet?

Actually, Jimmy misspoke. He meant ‘against’, not ‘to’.
And the difference to Clark would be?

“First you gently pull on the lever, and then you start to manipulate the ball. Extra points if you make it bounce a bit.”
I hear BW is a pinball champ! wink

Lois was right.
Rule # 9.

Oh boy. Subtle, Virginia. Very subtle
I've been told I'm sometimes too subtle. So I have throw in an easy one once in a while for my subtlity-impared readers. laugh

Could also be the gem Bruce got from Lex’s personal jeweler.
Luthor Estate sale.

Hence the ring.
Two points for you, Michael.

Which makes me wonder just how unprofessionally smeared it is.
I'm thinking it's not fit to print. laugh

Yes, he forgives her easily for kissing him.
Remember that one, Michael.

“I’m putting you and Lois on the bullet train story. You and she will take the initial run to Memphis, spend a few nights at the Hotel Teddy Bear…”

Well, there is an Elvis song called "Teddy Bear" and it sounded more of a place that Perry would stay in (probably chosen by Alice) than the "Heartbreak Hotel". laugh

You know, Perry’s awfully demanding there. Actually stepping way out of line.
He's sitting on a 'Superman made out with a married woman' story for them so they can work on their marriage and you think he's stepping over the line?

Tough. It just got sold to Lex.
Lex? confused Isn't he dead?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.