Ah, the conspiracies are on at top speed. laugh How fun!

I especially liked this section:

One thing Freeman had noticed about Metropolis even before Superman made his first appearance – Metropolis attracted crazies. London had its share weirdness, not all of it alien related, but Metropolis had more than its fair share. Cyborgs, children with artificially enhanced intelligence, invisible bandits, serial whatevers who targeted weddings, mad scientists. Of course, Gotham City was no slouch in that area – they had a costumed vigilante with some serious toys squaring off against insane master criminals and serial killers.

It made his old job of simply fighting aliens seem positively pedestrian.
Hilarious! clap

So what about Freeman's dream about Straker shooting Trask? Doesn't Freeman realize that dream took place in Kansas?

And what's with all the men in suits at the Corn Festival? Won't that raise a few eyebrows with the locals? Gee, I hope SHADO will be able to find rooms. laugh

So, you still have ? for number of parts, so I'm going out on a limb and guessing Trask's going to survive this little adventure in Kansas. Yikes! Or Superman won't! Double Yikes! Or Lois will find out Clark's secret! Triple Yikes!Can't wait for Part 8!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.