The way I read this, I get the impression Lois still does not suspect that Clark is (or was) Superman.

First, she thought there was Clark and Superman. Clark was human; Superman was Kryptonian and could do things NO other man could do. Clark said Superman was "an imposter," but that was clearly just plain crazy. Impossible. A look-alike *might* fool you if he was just standing there talking, but no look-alike could fly, see through walls, and melt steel with his eyes! No... Superman is Superman. No way humanly possible that anyone could do the things Superman does. No way this guy could be an imposter.

Now, Lois realizes Clark is Kryptonian. I think it is much more reasonable for Lois to continue to think Superman is Superman, but come to the conclusion that this other Kryptonian, who now that she thinks about it sure does bear a striking resemblance to Superman, must be his brother, than for her to jump to the conclusion that Lex hired a mad scientist to create a clone of Superman. Even if she *did* come up with the entirely off-the-wall thought that Superman might be a clone(!), wouldn't it be more reasonable to think Clark's brother (the real Superman) had died during Nightfull than that Clark - what, has multiple personality disorder? hyper ) and seeing how accurate my observations might be. I've been known to be *way* off in the past. blush I've got to say this really is a unique and fascinating story. And, of course, just plain evil

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster