Thanks, virginiaR! I really liked how the progression of events went here as well; one of those scenes that almost wrote itself. And yes, Lois did think that she couldn't tell Clark that she thought of him as more than a friend because it would be unfair to Superman. And an imposter Superman would make Clark seem less crazy, but Henderson did say he thought this Superman was the real one.

I'm glad you're enjoying the progression, scifiJoan! Clark's always been particularly close to his parents, so I thought it was natural he'd be missing them--this surely has to be the longest he's ever been separated from them. Thanks for the great feedback!

I think that you are supposed to avoid hot water, Deadly Chakram, but Lois wasn't really listening to the medic. Also, it's been about an hour or so since she was dunked, so I'm assuming she managed to keep the temperature a bearable one. smile And I'm glad Henderson worked--it always amazes me how often I write him into my stories when he must be on the show a total of ten minutes--at the most! Anyway, hope you and the other readers don't riot--this next chapter should helps things out a bit. cool

Thanks, Lynn! I'm honored that you read my story before shutting down for the storm--my prayers are with you! twins

Uh,, Vicki. wink Thanks! And I can't tell you how delighted I am that the story is good enough to keep you getting up early. We're almost to the end, so you might be able to get a bit more sleep soon. smile

Thanks, everyone, for the great comments!