Jimmy! eek Clark! eek Daily Planet! eek Lois! eek

I was beginning to wonder if anyone (good, that is) would survive this part. Hopefully Lois now realizes that she actually loves CK. laugh Nothing like life and death to bring two people together. I love this line:

"Clark!" My breath ghosted over his cheek, and miraculously, his hand rose to his face, as if to catch the relative warmth. My muscles turned into liquid themselves, transmogrified by the depths of my relief and residual terror.
That it was her breath that brought him back from the edge of death. love Ah, true love, Lois. Don't you recognize the signs?

Okay, I've always hated Nigel but insulting a man when he's down on K, that's just low.

Let's see what new CK=S hints Lois learned from this post:

He was standing at the window, his skin turned golden by the morning sunshine, his eyes fixed in the direction of Bender's yacht. For some strange reason, he had his glasses pulled down low on his nose while he squinted at something or other. He stayed in that pose for a long moment before finally letting out a tiny sigh, his shoulders drooping, and pushing his glasses back up.
Who can see long distances without glasses?

He still drew me toward him, so much so that it was almost impossible for me to keep the coffee table between us.
Who else was Lois drawn to like magnets?

my eyes still fixed on Clark, whose stiff shoulders indicated he was upset about something. Probably the tone of my voice.
Who else had 'super' hearing? (Ok, I threw that one in)

Ever since Mr. Luthor acquired his newest employee, things have been looking up for all our interests."

"He's using *him* for *this*?" Bender squeaked, his eyes bugging out. "I thought that wasn't working out as well as hoped."
Bad Clone clue #1

his eyes flashing anger to match the expression he had worn when Superman had returned him to the apartment two nights before
Amazing similar expressions, too, huh? Lois?

they'd never let you confront me with only a broken man at your side."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Clark flinch, and explosive rage snapped into being within me. My voice emerged as pure steel. "The police don't 'let' me do a lot of what I do. And Clark is not 'broken.'"

"A cripple, then." Nigel turned to Bender, his movements focused and economical.
How exactly is Clark 'broke' or a 'cripple', Nigel? You want to spell it out for our blind reporter girl, here?

"Superman!" I screamed out to the cloudy skies, more out of habit and dying hope than anything else. "Please, help!"
Wonder where SuperClone is? Searching the North Pole for a non-existant globe from Krypton, perhaps?

It was a litany that wouldn't shut off, given frightful substance by the feel of Clark's still, heavy--how could he be this heavy?--form.
Why exactly is Clark so heavy, Lois? I know he's dense, but could he also possibly be literally dense?

Some part of me noted that this was the first time I had seen him in the light without his glasses, but it was such a small, inconsequential part next to the realization slowly dawning on me--the realization that he was okay.
So, Lois, now that you've had a chance to rest... what exactly did Clark with wet, slicked back hair without glasses on look like? Remind you of anyone else?

Nigel, oddly enough, seemed almost nervous as he faced Clark, as if something about Clark's manner or expression unsettled him.
Hmmm, Lois? Wonder why that could be?

I wanted nothing more than to run to Clark and take him in my arms, feel his arms envelop me, his heart beat steadily within his chest, his breaths whisper through my hair.
Ok, this wasn't a clue, just an AWWW moment. Lois loves Clark. love Even if she is too out of it to realize it for herself.

Great part. I too also felt like I was drowning with L&C. Can't wait until the next part.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.