Time to do the feedback dance! dance

One of the biggest worries I had about this story was the number of times I had to abandon it because of RL issues. And yet you guys stuck with me and nudged me along. I'm very grateful for that. dizzy Thank you for picking out some of my favorite moments to highlight.

Jackie - The ending was what I agonized over (and over and over and over…). Poor Brenda must have read at least four or five different endings over the past few months. I'm ecstatic that this one worked for you. Thank you!

Michael, Michael, Michael - OMG! I don't know where to start! I laughed so, so hard at the alternate version of their reunion. I'm going to have to wait to read through it before archiving it, just so I don't wander into snarky directions every time either character is being earnest and/or withholding what they were actually meaning to say. :p (Most especially the "big reveal" being his virginity. /wipes away tears "Do your parents know?" Bwaaaaaa!)
But then again, you do have a way with his heatvision applied to Lois's appendages, don't you
Hey, I blame the show. If he'd never used the heat vision to, uh, let's say "warm her feet" in "Sex, Lies and Videotape", I never would have started to wonder what else he could do with it besides burn holes through metal. Seriously - at what point did Clark start practicing his ability to use the precise amount of heat and timing to be able to toast Lois' toes (and other bits)? Were any animals harmed in the process? Fence posts? Desks? It's one of those imponderables that occasionally creeps in to preoccupy me when I'm stuck in traffic or bored in a meeting. confused

But I digress. smile My thanks again to everyone for sticking with me. I love you all! sloppy

ETA: Upon further reflection, I remembered that he also used his heat vision in "We Have A Lot To Talk About" to dry her off. But that just doesn't have the same sticks-in-your-mind quality as "You missed"/"No, I didn't". That scene makes me blush and say "Golly!" every freakin' time. blush

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis