So, when he settled into bed for the night, I waited until he had pulled the blankets up around himself, then moved to sit at his side as I had the night before.
I love how this quickly became a ritual for them.

I hated that I had to remind myself.

"Here's my secret. When you kissed Toni Taylor...I was jealous." I pulled back to study his reaction.
Just admit it to yourself, Lois, you LOVE him!

Superman had kissed me just hours earlier--why did that now seem so...unimportant?
Because it's NOT. laugh

"When I threw you in that dumpster...I kind of enjoyed it."

"Only we can know. You and me against the world."
And it does sort of describe their relationship huh? Lois and Clark against everything that the world throws at them.

"Oh?" A touch of surprised disbelief tinged Perry's voice, and he hesitated a moment before continuing. "Well, I'm sorry then. I didn't realize a bit of beauty sleep was more important than this little tip I just got from some dame callin' herself Long Legs Lulu. Should I call back at a more convenient time?"
LOL! So Perry, though I'm not sure I can see him using the word "dame." Gal maybe.

"She said it was worth your while."
Why do I have a BAD feeling about this... eek

It wasn't like we were anywhere near the lunch hour, and Perry hated leaving his newsroom for even that inconvenience.
LOL! That's Perry for you!

The last thing I needed was a proposition before breakfast.
Unless it's from Clark. Oh, that was bad, I'm sorry.

My insides twisted with excitement and the beginnings of fear when I recognized Nigel's smooth voice. Through the shadows, I could just make out that he was speaking into a cell phone, his back to the open door.
Uh oh! eek

"I had a feeling you might decide to drop by," Nigel said with a smug smile twisting his lips. "How fortunate for us." Using his gun to gesture toward the garage's interior, he added, "We'd just like a word, Ms. Lane."

"No." I clenched my hands into fists, bracing myself for the unfavorable response that reply was sure to elicit.
Um, Lois, now is a perfect time to lie through your teeth.

"Superman will not help you, you fool," Nigel told me in a cold voice, all hints of false congeniality wiped from his demeanor. "Your only hope--your *partner's* only hope--is to cooperate with Mr. Luthor."
Hello, giant neon clue about Anti-Supes!

A foot on my back stopped me from rising, and I froze when Nigel leaned closer to point the gun at my head. "Don't move, Ms. Lane."
Nice try though, Lois!

"Clark!" I cried out. Instinctively, without thought, as if I had forgotten where I was, I tried to rise and flee to the safety of his embrace. Nigel's foot and the feel of the gun pressed against the back of my head pulled me up short.
Followed the note? Or have some of his powers started to come back? Like superhearing?

An appallingly loud noise echoed through the garage...and with a strained cry, Clark crumpled to the ground.
Oh noes!!!

And only then, with his hand caressing my hair, did I finally believe. And only then did the world recede and the shadows disappear in a blaze of light.
Hmmmmm....did you just figure things out, Lois? I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!

So uh, that was mean leaving us on that note! Give us more soon please!

I love the action of this chapter. And I love how Lois cares more about saving Clark than about saving her own life. Well done!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon