My sincere apologies for having left no feedback over the past few weeks. I have been reading (and re-reading) each new chapter on my cell phone, totally captivated by this amazing story!

I'm back online now, and I want you to know how much I love your story clap , and just how talented I think you are notworthy

Your ability to keep us not only emotionally involved - and believe me, I am *completely* emotionally involved - but also intellectually involved with this story, told in 1st person, where the reader has a degree of knowledge the narrator doesn't, makes reading so incredibly enjoyable! And you are a master of suspense; you've got me on the edge of my seat. Very well done.

Here's my take on what Lois believes: she believes (has complete and utter faith in) Clark. I don't think (but I could be wrong!) that she knows Clark is Superman. I'd think her first assumption might be that the real Superman is dead. But I also think that soon (soon meaning anywhere from the very next sentence we read to possibly as long as another chapter or so) she'll be putting the clues together in her mind (possibly writing a "list of clues," as we've seen her do before) and coming up with the inevitable C=S.

I'm looking forward to reading more (and learning how far off my assumptions might be laugh )

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster