So glad you're enjoying, mozartmaid! I'm also glad the letter fragments worked--I was afraid I'd be lynched if I didn't show the letter right away. smile And, incidentally, this is actually the first time Lois and Superman have kissed. Nightfall took place after Superman had left Metropolis, and he didn't have support on the ground, so the good-luck kiss never happened. Thanks for the compliment on metaphors; I do love them. blush

Thanks, jackiek! I'm glad you liked the letter. It was something of a gamble for me. smile

Deadly Chakram, I had to laugh at your Superman Interruptus comment. And Clark kill Superman? I don't know about that one. wink

I'm sorry this is proving so frustrating for you, VirginiaR, but I promise that it does get better. And I'm glad that you made the parallel to her engagement to Luthor since that's where I went for a lot of inspiration on how she would handle a Superman showing up beside Clark. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint), Lois is a little too focused to take in the big picture sometimes. Thanks so much for continuing to read and comment!

Thank you very much, Framework4--loved your comment! :p

Thanks, Laurach. I like that you noted Superman's feelings for Lois.

IolantheAlias, glad you liked the interview. That was a complicated conversation, and I'm glad it rang true for you. Thanks for the feedback!

Everyone, thank you so much for your encouragement!