Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Besides, it's not like he's attached or anything and that kiss was hardly a hardship on him. Sexual harassment issues aside. But this is the nineties and he's a guy and there's still this inglorious double standard out there, so why fuzz?
Oh, did the double standards end in the 90's?

Saturday's the redhead from accounting.
* Sunday are the blonde twins from the flower shop around the corner.
* Monday... I think I'm going to pick a girl up in the strip bar back in the side street
* Hmm... Tuesday... Yeah, I could squeeze you in Tuesday...

Oh. But that was the pheromones.
They don't know about the pheromones until Lois tells them about it.

In *Smallville*? How could that happen there? Aside from the fact that the entire town would now. Sam would be shunned for his despicable behavior and the town would rally to get Ellen dry. As I said, in *Smallville*?
Right, because there are no alcoholics or cheating husbands in small towns, only big cities. wink

Right. He knows. laugh Now he's in a deep pile of blue suede shoes.
Yep. Perry knows all.

He's talking about his Lois, isn't he? Sounds like he does love her. Or is that 2036 and he is referring to our Lois?
Canon Lois. 2036.

I want to believe that. But what she knows is not *that* bad. Especially with the lack of Superman. Of course, she could fall for Clark, figure out his secret, and then break her own heart by deciding to dump him and date Lex Luthor instead.
She could. She's stubborn that way.

/slaps head/ Right. The missus is likely superpowered. But shouldn't she make a greater effort in restraining him. After all, at least the family should know and care about the Tempus issue.
Let's just say, they're estranged.

I did not realize she doesn't know. Sure, it does sound reasonable, it's just so completely out of the left field on this board.
When you work retail, it's very common not to know your co-worker's last name.

Okay. Now, let me guess. He's *not* going to tell Clark about his future with Lois, is he?
Now, where would be the fun in that?

Claude must have been a real turn off for Cat to not go after him when sprayed.
Been there, done that. Didn't want to go back.

Glad I'm still causing chuckles. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.