My thanks to those who read my story and left feedback.

I had figured that, given the nature of the story, very few people would actually read it. I am pleased that so many have and that the responses have been so favourable. Thank you!

Jackie, it would have to be tough for anyone to to lose a beloved spouse after three quarters of a century together; how much more so for Clark!

Deadly Chakram, thanks for your encouragement to try to rework the Lois piece. If my muse is so inspired, I might give it a go.

Lara, nope. He still has all his hair. wink

MozartMaid, I'm glad you liked it despite its intrinsic sadness. (Perfect description, BTW.)

Marcus, thank you. I agree. I saw something similar happen when my dad died. I know a part of my mom died with him that day, and that not a day goes by that she doesn't miss him, but she has nevertheless learned to make a new life for herself. I think something similar would happen with Clark.

AntiK, thank you for noticing how much of Lois' life I tried to include in the story. One of my goals for this story was to show how rich her life had been.
