Joan: Perry's a poker player. He's got a great poker face and often keeps his cards close the vest until the end. laugh

Michael: I thought you might like that "edited for spoilage" section. wink But that's NOT what I meant.

And it depends on the day of the year, I guess. She *might* be a ghost.
Halloween's long past, it's around the 18/19th of December. And Scrooge's ghosts don't arrive until the 24th. wink

It's called his 'Fortress of Solitude' and some say it's located in the Arctic.
Yes, Smallville is alt-Superman's 'Fortress of Solitude'. But if you remember back a chapter or two, he told Mayson he didn't have a lair. Of course, the Smallville house might count as that as well. laugh

/starts flipping through Superman-guidebook, steadfastedly ignoring black suit and cowl of the guy pictured on the cover/ Nope, it's says so right here: Creeps doing bad things to women will first be separated from their equipment and then used as target practice.
But after the target practice they are still alive, right? See, no killing. laugh

So, she's a reformed non-virgin who's just had lot's of non-virgin-interaction with Superman? Wait, how does that make her reformed?
laugh Well, it's from the same dictionary as "chumpy"...

And, apparently, super-lovemaking-skills.
Those aren't commonly known, especially by Perry.

Actually, he boinked his twin-brother's wive while she was sky-to-the-moon high and pregnant to boot. He dumped his other girlfriend after she got her face all scrambled by a bomb. And he kissed other women while engaged and *then* dumped said fiancee just because she didn't like ceiling-sleeping. Oh, and, he just boinked *another* married woman right there in the stalker-shrine he's set up for her. Yeah, he's a real charm.
Please don't spell it out like that to alt-Clark. He has an ego-problem enough as it is. And BTW, Clark thinks that Lana dumped him.

Also, Perry would certainly get a heart-attack if he ever realized that his golden-boy is just a womanizer with control-issues.
Probably. Or they could be a match made in heaven.

Which is where the "let's take a walk in the sky" clause comes into play. I'm sure Lex would love to see the clouds first-hand.
This would be the Lex Luthor who has disappeared again?

He could have an accident? His private jet might crash? He could get swept off his balcony?
Clark doesn't think he has good luck like that. Oh, you mean, he could help those things to happen. Not likely.

Drat! She *had* to tell him. She was *so* close to becoming a widow!
Michael, I know you want alt-Clark to KILL Lex... but knowing Clark, if he killed Lex (or anyone else in anger) he would just turn himself over to Mayson to arrest him for homicide, now wouldn't he? We don't want THAT scenario to happen, now do we?

Hmm... so, how are they going to explain the baby? Either Lois lies and says she didn't cheat on him and the baby is his, or she tells the truth and has to reveal who the father is. And Lex being Lex would very likely put two-and-two together and demand a paternity test to prove who's it really is. Which would stumble Superman.
I'm sorry, what baby? Ooooh. You mean Alt-Lois's. She's pregnant? It hasn't even been 24 hours, Michael. I know Superman's fast, but I don't think the results would be positive after that short amount of time. (And since alt-Lois hasn't been intimate with her husband for 3+ years, I'm doubting he'll buy the 'it's his and she didn't cheat on him' routine... plus, would they really want Lex to have access to said Super-child?... which he would, if she gave birth while still married to Lex.)

Yeah. right.
Hhmmm. Me thinking you don't think alt-Clark has Super-willpower when it comes to pretty, brunette reporter woman. We'll have to wait and see. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.