I re-read this part and had to come back.
"When I shot him," she said, her eyes falling to a spot on his chest, her hand picking at the material of his shirt.

"You were the one who shot him?" She didn't say anything. "Maybe we should keep that to ourselves." And he couldn't believe he'd just said that. He was Superman! He couldn't condone actions like that.
LOVED this exchange. This Lois is so open with Clark. It's amazing, really. She's not holding anything back.

Maybe that's what happens to someone when they feel they've lost everything; the fears that plague us in normal, every day life disappear when there's nothing else to lose. Oh, and she probably had a lot of time on her hands to think things through, but never really got a chance to talk about them. It's probably a relief just to express her inmost thoughts.

Clark's reaction was perfect. Scandalized by her comment and then even more scandalized that he wasn't more concerned about Lois' murderous tendencies. thumbsup If he hadn't been working on catching Luthor for almost three years, he might have reacted differently.

Their conversation in the kitchen was so vivid; I could really see them saying those things to each other.

Yep, CK is definitely in trouble, but in a good way.

Bring it on.

No, really. Can I have the next part now?