Part 2 lived up to the promise of part 1. Well done!

A few of my favourite lines:

Lois knew she’d have to tell Perry the truth sooner rather than later, but telling him now would mean he’d have won this battle. And she wasn’t about to let that happen.
That is *so* Lois!

No, she hadn’t been floating, only dreaming.
You had me going for a minute, there. I had thought for sure that she was about to figure out CK=S just then.

If she could survive a bullet to the head, she was sure she could somehow survive this altercation. But could Clark?
What delicious irony!

“Say something, please,” she whispered.

“I’m Superman,” he said quietly.
Well, she did ask for him to say something. wink

You had asked us to point out typos, so:

Perry was none to thrilled to see his star reporter.
The first 'to' should be 'too'.

She laid on top
'laid' should be 'lay'.

Maybe I’ll just lay back
'lay' should be 'lie'.

And one last suggestion: Could we have a sequel, please? grovel
