I see you answered my question about when the next part would show up. smile

So, Lois has a huge chunk of K and the bullet (it wasn't flushed). So are they going to the Bermuda Triangle on vacation?

“Am I really galac– “ A car horn honked loudly behind them, ruining the moment. Lois bit off a curse.
Obviously Lois is thinking WHY hadn't she figured out Clark's secret when Bill Henderson had. And, no, Lois, you aren't! Love is blind. Duh!

Clark is healing! smile1 No more surgical scars! Yea! hyper

He was accustomed to his powers. When they were absent, he felt crippled – he was crippled. He hated that.
frown Poor Clark. He doesn't know how to be himself without his powers.

She came near him and ran a finger down his chest. Clark froze. Fire roared up inside him at her touch.

“You’re healed,” Lois said softly. “You took out the staples.”

Clark’s voice choked in his mouth as he tried to reply. Lois, touching him so intimately… he couldn’t speak.

Lois licked her lips, and Clark was almost undone. Lois’s eyes widened and she put her entire hand on his chest, not just one finger. The electricity between them fairly crackled.
We still don't have that smiley fanning itself, do we? I need it for that small moment. Wow!

Aroused wasn’t the kind of answer he could give his mother.

Clark smiled as he recognized the small box of tiramisu. Maybe he’d finally get to feed Lois her dessert – third time lucky?
"Oh, Goody! More tiramisu," thinks Moose.

“Yes, you,” Clark replied. “Perry made you my keeper while I healed from the surgery. Well, I’m healed, but I can’t let anyone know. Anyone but you, of course.” Ideas began to bubble. “Isn’t it time that you had a vacation, too? You’ve been working just as hard as I have over the last two years.”


“I’m thinking of chocolates in Switzerland, seeing the whales near Antarctica, lounging on a tropical beach,” Clark cajoled.

“It’s true,” Martha said, amused. “Lois, you know Superman. You should take advantage.”
Isn't that what you interrupted in the other room, Martha? Lois taking advantage. laugh

And if Clark doesn't have the power of flight yet and Lois is still guardian of Moose, I'm thinking first few days will be spent in Metropolis.

What?! Only one more part left? Oh, my. We better see some more heat like we saw when Lois touched Clark. Please! Pretty, please! grovel If you can't tell, very much enjoying this fic.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.