Hey! This is great. You all did your homework while I was away. And we're half-way there now.

Just a few notes before I get part 5 up.

Liz,Wendy,Lynn,SQD,Jeff,Laura,Jose,Maria,Tank,Jo,Laura,ethnica,Yvonne,Tricia, and KathyM- thank you for taking the time to leave such thoughtful comments. They are so encouraging, and such a great help.

Ok, Jeff, you have to bow out at this point. I get that. Let me say that the first time I ever wrote something that really, really rubbed someone the wrong way, I was floored! It's not common knowledge, but after part 4 of TTW was posted- the one which reveals Lois married AltClark, one of fanfic authors in the fandom tried to have me arrested. Seriously. Taken before a tribunal and whipped soundly. It took me some time to realize that was a kind of compliment. That what I'd written has become more than just words on a screen. That it felt "real"

If, by any chance, you decide to stay with this, let me know if you still hate it. I want to know. I appreciate your passion and your honesty.

ethnica, thank you for the "one sick puppy" compliment. That's really...sweet?

Laura, you're leaving too, since you can't be assured of the ending. I hereby dismiss you from class with an excused absence. I know what you mean exactly. I start all of Yvonne Connell's stories from the last page for the same reason.

And Yvonne, thank you for weighing-in. For the lovely compliments, when you could just as easily accused me of trying to be some sort of pale, weak imitation of YOU!

Sherry and Gerry- thanks for the emails. Gerry, your offer was so generous. I might have been tempted, but didn't find it until today. When you get back, though, I may give you a yell!

Ok, enough from me...

Thanks to everyone. I appreciate your words so very much,


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
