You write a terrific Tempus, CC! You've got his speech patterns and his love of irony down pat. thumbsup

Poor Lois! Just what she was most afraid of - and it happens again. And Tempus knew just how to get to her, as well. frown At least this time she has a familiar face on the other side - but you're worrying me a little about just how easily she and AltClark are slipping into a familiar routine. Because, in a way, she knows him an awful lot better than she knows her own Clark, doesn't she?

As for Lane, I shudder to think how she's going to feel. And Clark's going to be so worried about Lois and the baby - will he have time to take care of Lane? Or will she have to pretend to be Lois once again, for a second time filling a place which really belongs to someone else? frown

Monday it is then... I'll be biting my nails waiting! wildguy wildguy

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*