Joan: Yep. Alt-Clark doesn't have the confidence of canon Clark, but that doesn't make him any less irresistable.

I hope he doesn't get into big trouble.
What? Clark get into trouble when he runs off into a situation without thinking it through? Nah! wink

MozartMaid: Well, Mayson's okay for Mayson. She's not dead. Of course, she still has to survive surgery...

Love this image, and glad you clarified it as well... though 'shirtless David in jeans' sounds awfully yummy...
Oh, sorry, I'll try to keep Clark's clothes on him from now on. laugh

But Lois beat me to the punch on 'sweet, sweet Mayson.' Bit of a stretch there Clark, even for you.
She is technically his girlfriend.

Michael: No, not Teeping, hearing.

Ferrari likely more impressive with them ladies.
Any woman interested in James for his car, would have been interested in him for just his money. He could drive a Pinto and have women hanging off him.... Ok. Maybe not a Pinto. laugh

Hmm... that could be a problem. Phone trails. Lucy might indeed become a prime suspect in the case. Stalker girl con-artist with no identity, plus records of Mayson looking into her history, Lucy has both love and money as motive. Yep, she's gonna go away for a loooong time.
You mean if Clark's apartment is considered part of the crime scene?

Hmm... case of Swiss mind. why did he not put away his suit? Was that because Sam called him last night?
He hurried to change OUT of it before Mayson came over. His brain was thinking WOMAN, not SUIT.

Poor Clark. Nobody recognizes him sans suit. And his neighbors don't care he's living right there on the street. So much for his celebrity.
Well, the crime level had gone down in our neighborhood recently, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together until the car exploded...

What evidence? Apartment not crime scene. Unless Superman's a suspect, too?
That's Lois's thoughts as well.

Not even her partner knows? And cop partner's are usually closer than husband and wife.
Mayson's apparently pretty good a keeping a secret.

Poor Henderson. Just when he thought the nightmare was finally over. And soon, there will be *two* of them!

Yep, sounds like the local bombers are much more competent than those on the show. Umm... how did she get the brick damage. The concussive force was coming towards her from the car and the wall was behind her, where she was shielded by Superman...
Superman may have been between Mayson and the brick wall, but then the wall burst forward with impact and unless she had her arms, legs, and head exactly where he had his, the fragments would have still struck her.

*G* She really should be more careful. Soon, her experience will dry up and then she's back to regular B&E for factfinding.
By that point, she'll be to big (belly-wise) for B&E, or the curse will have gotten her, or she'll have returned to her own dimension...

And then, there was that big bang and lot's of blood and brick and car parts. It was a *mess*. You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen it. Oh *man*. And Superman? He *freaked*! He actually said: "I'm gonna squish that worm Jaxon Luthor for blowing up my squeeze."
Hence the 'clean up'.

She raised an eyebrow at him. “You never saw Jurassic Park, did you?” It's been a couple of years, so...
Sorry, one of my favorite movies. I explain the line at the bottom of the Post in an Author's Note. JP was released around 1995, so it would have been fairly fresh in Lois's mind if she had seen it. (And apparently she did laugh wink )

Makes me worry about Star Wars. And with Arnie dancing, how Terminator, The Musical looks like? "We're machines! Killin' machines. We go *clunk* in the night, and *crash* in the day! We're machines! Killin' machines. We blow up the world, since we're machines!"
George still made 'Star Wars' in Alt-Dimension, but "Terminator" had a different robot. laugh

Oh boy. Suddenly, I wonder if Mayson wasn't just trying to sex-trap Clark away from Lucy.
Just trying to claim what was rightfully hers under the Girlfriend Statute of 1962.

Oh dear. Halfway super-preggo Lois, meet Mrs. Lois Luthor. Oh dear. Oh dear. And who knows. Maybe this Lois actually took over Luthor's empire. Just like Mindy did Intergang. Oh dear. Can you imagine that catfight? Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear.
Ooooh! clap A good canon Lois meets an evil alt-Lois, like the one Bobbart mentioned Lex wanting in his Lex narrative? Oooh. Has anyone ever written that?! That would be worth reading. (Although I personally can't see Lois going that bad).

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.