Very well written, and great insight into all of the characters.

Not a criticism, really--more of an aside. smile :

I must put in a good word for the Jimmy/Lois relationship pre-Clark. If you go back and watch the pilot, I think you'll notice a low-key affection between Lois and Jimmy, sort of a kid-brother/big-sister vibe. It's clear that they have some kind of working relationship in the opening scene where Lois is coming back from breaking the stolen car ring and in the scene where Jimmy and Lois are breaking into EPRAD. We don't see as much of that closeness after Clark arrives-it seems that Clark becomes Lois's peer and Jimmy is still in the kid brother role, only now to both Lois and Clark.

Anyway, I loved the detail and the way the four POVs meshed together seamlessly. And I really wanted to nudge Lois and Clark a little as they were kissing goodnight oh so chastely. wink

This *is* my happily ever after.