Ooh, Laura, this does look interesting! And that tantalizing tidbit re Dr. Klein and marinara sauce... goofy

One important question, though, before I commit myself to what looks like a fun ride. (Clark, you've eaten bombs. You've eaten LOIS' COOKING. Don't be such a baby. laugh ) I absolutely adored your Reader's Digest version, quoted in full here:
Here's my Readers Digest fic for "Medical Miracles"

Wells: You can have children because I am awesome.

The End.
rotflol rotflol

You certainly nailed Herb's character down to a tee, but I must know, Laura! Will Herb be featured in this fic, or will it be confined strictly the repercussions happening in "our" universe? And if Herb is around, will it be only a cameo or two, or a major role? Please let me know, because I really do want to read this. smile

Hazel, the anti-Herb wink

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827