Post two was as good as post one! You've set up a most intriguing premise and I am looking forward to seeing how it is played out.

You have indicated more than once that you are open to suggestions. Your plot is original and your characterizations are, for the most part, spot-on. (I'm not entirely convinced that Perry and Jimmy, after having known Clark for years and after seeing how devastated Clark is at the funeral, would disbelieve and ostracize him. But that is one small point in two large posts.)

I do, however, have one suggestion -- you might wish to request a beta reader. Are you familiar with the concept of BRs? Basically, they are people who will read your story parts before you post them and will provide suggestions. Depending on the BRs, the suggestions might range from catching spelling errors (e.g., you had "loo" when you meant "lieu" in this part) to difficulties in plot, facts, and characterization. If your muse has deserted you, a good BR can sometimes help get you back on track and get the creative juices flowing again.

I wish I could volunteer to be a BR for you. Unfortunately, my plate is too full to take on additional responsibilities. but if you were to post a request for BRs in the "Fanfic Related" folder, I'm sure you'll find some people who would be happy to go to bat for you.

Having said all of that, I wish to reiterate how impressed I am by your story so far. I would not be at all surprised if you were nominated for the Best New Author at next year's Kerth Awards Ceremony. (In this context, Kerths are awards given by L&C fans for L&C fanfic written in the previous year. Of course, they were named after the Kerth awards from the show.)

I'm very much looking forward to the next post.
