Delightful part, truly evil twists.

Since this is an AU where we have Space Station Luthor it follows that other evil schemes that were defeated by L&C in season one have also come to pass.

So I believe Lois Lane has been dosed with the pheromone based drug from " Pheromone, My Lovely ".

This seems to agree with what Lois DOES recall
As she dressed she searched her mind again for what happened the night before. Dinner- she remembered dinner. They'd danced, they'd laughed, she'd sung for Lex. She remembered a kiss- a kiss she had initiated. There had been more kisses.
I don't hold with the Kathy's theory.
Originally posted by KathyB:
I'm guessing she's pregnant...had her artificially inseminated while she was unconscious....I have another theory about what baby she might be carrying
It seems to me Kathy is thinking clone but recall that in Vatman they didn't need to bother with a human mother or even take a reasonable time for the clone to develop but had full grown adults in a matter of months.

Recall that in canon Lex told Superman that he would cure Lois of her independent streak, I believe that he has used drugs to do so.
Perry had watched his best reporter for over a month now. There was no doubt about it- there was definitely something wrong with Lois. He'd first noticed when she had come in the newsroom one morning with glassy eyes and the calmest demeanor he could ever remember from the feisty little woman. Since then, her fire had almost completely burnt out. She'd lost her edge, unable to produce a front-page article in five long weeks. And within the past week, she'd been unable to produce anything. The clincher was when she came to work this morning and handed in her resignation.
Likely Lois will begin to recall events while under the drug. The reinforcing aspect of her own actions will color her thinking when not under the influence. I think that anytime Lois gets even a little bit out of line Lex gives her a little dose of the pheromone based drug, or more likely keeps her on a low dose all the time so all she wants to do is please Lex.

This gives us hope that at some time when Luthor is using the drug on larger populations, as he planed in the episode to do in the course of time, a cure will be found for the drug that Clark can use on Lois Lane.
