I love all the feedback you guys are leaving, but I have to say, it’s proving challenging to respond to it because I don’t want to give too much away. There’s so much I could say, but then I’d ruin later chapters, so I’ll try to keep my own comments brief.

I, too, loved the crowd’s response—and I wanted there to be a bit of anticipation there as to who they were speaking to, so thanks for the great response, DW.

I do have more planned for the mayor, but…oops, better stop there. wink

I’ve always enjoyed the times when it turns out Clark was the target rather than Lois or Superman, so I liked putting that twist in—thanks, scifiJoan.

The hang-ups…well, anyway…ahem, moving on…

Lois has always fascinated me in how easily she accepts Clark, Superman, and danger all equally well (well, does she accept Clark well to begin with? smile ), so thanks for the highlighted quote, scifiJoan and IolantheAlias.

Darth Michael, I’m delighted that you’re reading my work—and even happier that you’re enjoying it. smile . Every time I finish writing something with strict POVs, I promise myself I’ll never do it again, and then…I guess I forget. laugh

AmyPrime, thanks for the wonderful comment. I admit I was a bit afraid that giving such a good ‘ending’ in the middle would make everyone lose interest, so I’m glad you’re still excited about the rest!

EvelynC, I don’t think I can say anything to your comment except thank you. And even that probably gives too much away. smile

Thanks, everyone, for your enthusiastic response to this story! I’m trying very hard to get the end finished, but Perry’s giving me a couple problems. I’ve got to go give him a pep talk and get him moving.