Thanks guys! I'm glad you enjoyed this fic -- and I'm glad I pulled off Wells' intervention as a surprise. wink

I certainly got my "money's worth" out of this ficathon!
So glad you enjoyed it! It was written for you, after all! I have to admit, at first the slinky was what threw me... I pondered that for a good three days... then it was how to use an alt character with the revelation, since most appearances of alt characters are post-rev in canon, except for Tempus Fugitive-- but I don't think it counts as a revelation since Wells does the memory swipe on Lois at the end... Anyway, it worked out and that's all that matters!

Re the secret -- since this whole fic was only from Alt-Clark's POV, you could assume that Wells fixed the reveal later on... Just sayin' wink

Anybody catch the Alice in Wonderland references besides in the title? First one was really buried, but when Clark first mentions thinking it was Tempus that had sent him to Lois' world, she says 'tempus fugit' or time flies -- kind of a stretch, but it's like the white rabbit saying he's late and Alice (or in this case Clark) chases after... Other reference was at the end, when Alt-Lois mentions the title-- the implication being that you could say it was LOIS who was down the rabbit hole and lost, nearly missing her opportunity to meet and fall in love with Clark. Ok, enough of my literary nerdiness! goofy

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink