So it wasn't Tempus, or Mxy, or even some other random magic-- but a good old-fashioned Wellsian intervention! smile

And I couldn't let the story end without alt-Clark finding his Lois. Hope you don't mind the ending. wink

And, IolantheAlias' requirements for the fic:

Three things I want in my story:
1. The revelation
2. An Alt-Clark, Alt-Lois, or Alt-somebody.
3. A Slinky (the toy that's a long spring)

Three things I don't want in my story:
1. Murder
2. Anything about clones, the ARGH wedding, or amnesia
3. Yogurt

--oops, so there was a little amnesia-- but I THINK (hope!) Iolanthe was referring to the Season 3 Lois-amnesia that drives us all crazy! /hopeful smile/

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink