Lynn S. M.
I haven't been able to determine whether this is a typo for "alter ego" or a brilliant play on words. Either way, I like it!
I hadn't realized that -- the error was subconscious, but I will keep it in. I noticed I used it later as well. I won't change it! wink

I now don't see the alt-Clark-gets-his-Lois happy ending that I had thought there would be when I read part one.
There is a lot of melancholy in this Clark. I won't give away the farm, but I hope you will be happy with the end. smile

Framework, DW, scifiJoan
LOL you all agree that things are getting interesting! I hope you like where I take it!

Alt-Clark definitely has to go and meet Martha and Jonathan. Must happen.
*Must*? wave

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink