Hi MozartMaid,

I am lost without my ultra-ego.
I haven't been able to determine whether this is a typo for "alter ego" or a brilliant play on words. Either way, I like it!

I hang up the phone, awed by the caring support in my father’s voice. I look up to talk to Lois, and I notice something very strange. About to step out of the elevator is *me*.
I hadn't anticipated that! I had figured that either alt-Clark had changed places with our Clark or with some alt-alt-Clark. Things are about to get even more interesting...

Because obviously, I can’t stay here, as much as it breaks my heart. She is not my Lois—she’s his. This is not my world.
whinging The poor fellow! He's had such a hard life, and to get this additional glimpse of what his life may have been like, only to realize that he is once again not able to have this life. My heart goes out to him.

I now don't see the alt-Clark-gets-his-Lois happy ending that I had thought there would be when I read part one. All the same, I'll be checking back frequently for part three.

