Thanks everyone for your great comments. I'm glad you don't hate me. And I think I'll make up for the angst in this section with the next section, but we shall see. I'm really glad that Lois' reaction rung true to most of you. In the meantime...

Why have you not let Perry and Jimmy support her?
Why Perry don't put stop this harassment against Lois. Lois is the planet's star reporter.
These are good questions, with two answers. The first (easy) answer is that they have no idea what is going on. They are both busy people, and though I'm sure at least Jimmy has heard some of the gossip, neither of them are going to be prime candidates for hearing too much gossip because of their relationships with Lois and Clark. And Perry is the boss which means (a) people aren't going to gossip with him and (b) he can't play favorites, stepping in anytime he hears that there might be gossip about Lois and Clark.

The other answer is that I did this on purpose. To me, the point of this story is that they are taking things to the next level and learning to trust each other and work together (you'll see more of this theme in the final section). For me, that meant that they needed to rely on each other - not the Kents, not Perry, not Jimmy, not Lucy, not anyone. Each other. I don't have any problem with them leaning on those people normally - I've written plenty of stories where they do. But in this universe, I thought it was really important for them to do it themselves.

And to think we're counting on Clark to be smart and say the right things... he hasn't got that much practice at that <g>
LOL! Poor Clark.

Okay, I'm going to stop commenting and post the next section so that I can "fix them" as requested!

Thanks again, everyone!

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen