She opened the bathroom door, and excitement welled inside her. She didn't know how Clark would react to the two items, but she was looking forward to giving them to him.

He was sitting at the little table, still looking dazed.

Lois walked over to him and held out the paper bag. "This is for you," she said, trying to infuse her words with the affection she felt for him.

His eyes rested on it for a second, and then he took it. "Thanks."

"Look inside," Lois urged.

He did, and Lois saw the surprise register on his face ... followed closely by a smile that - although restrained - warmed her heart.

He looked up at her. "Lois ..."

"Do you like them?"

"Lois, this is too much."

"No, it's not," she said. And it hadn't been. It had eaten into their supplies of cash, but she had been desperate to do anything to help Clark assimilate back into the world. "Do you like them?"
