Darth Michael
The explanation for the accent was great. Including that Lucy still remembered it and Lois just had the latent memory.
LOL thanks. Yeah, I always wondered how a gal who grew up in Metropolis would have picked up a deep south accent -- even with amnesia wink

Can't wait for the second half
Will post the next bit either tonight or early this weekend -- depends on how much writing I get done this afternoon. Hope to finish another part today and get it sent to my fab BRs! smile

So many things to play with.
On the creation of Superman -- I hope you guys like how I'll do it. I won't say much except, we're getting closer! smile1

Very "real" of Lois to feel that she has to tell Lucy the truth about her being alive.
Thanks. Lucy just kept nosing in on my story, so there you have it-- she got her sister to talk. cool

Not going to say more on the creation of Superman... you guys will have to wait and see what I do!

Thanks for the feedback!!

Anyway, hope there are some lurking readers out there... and I didn't scare too many people away with the early part of the story.


Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink