Interesting story.

I see a large speed bump ahead though, if things are actually they way the seem to be laid out.

If Lois is being forced to play the 'hitwoman' for these gun running thugs than she's in more trouble than she realizes.

Her situation would allow Clark to 'understand' and she'd be worthy of rescue... But they could never be together if Lois ever took a life not in self-defense. She doesn't even have the half legitimate excuse of working for the government (the 'good guys'?). The fact that she's being forced to do so is no excuse in the eyes of the law and morality. Murder is murder.

I'm looking forward to seeing what twist there might be to allow Lois and Clark to be together after they find a way to free Lois from her untenable situation.

Tank (who does wonder about the lack of photographs of Lois but admits that it comes in handy in this case)