Excellent chapter. At first I was concerned about Clark's reaction. He's had time to get to know Lois so he should know she wouldn't expose him. But Lex Luther's manipulations designed to throw off Lois have also affected Clark. He's not thinking logically. He's hurt and he's scared.

Love this line:
“Then how can you blame her for the way she reacted? Her whole world has been turned inside out and Luthor was doing everything in his power to get her to do what he wanted.”
Go Martha!

Nice to see Lois' thought process:
In the intervening days she’d found, much to her surprise, that she hadn’t missed seeing Lex at all. What did that tell her? She had been considering marrying the man, but now that he was gone from her life, she felt no appreciable loss. Clark, on the other hand…
She's not instantly in love with Clark, but we can see the wheels turning in her head.

Beautiful conversation between Lois and Clark. You've set the stage nicely to advance their relationship and for Lois to uncover the real Lex Luther.
