She had crept closer to the Black Knight, knowing this was her one chance to learn his identity. But she had also known that the cost of such knowledge could be death. She was so close to escape--the Black Knight was sleeping and wouldn’t realize she was missing until she was long gone.
So Loisette's curiosity wins out over self-preservation. Yup, sounds like our Lois. razz

I hope she gets her comeuppance soon ... after all he's done for her, and all the deception she herself has committed -- far beyond his, and for far more selfish reasons, I might add -- she does not deserve her arrogance. Yes, she's a princess and has been taught to lord that over her "subjects". But it makes her a very unpleasant person when she does it.

(And James should totally know better. He should have at least flown to get Peri. :rolleyes: And how is Clarkent ever going to be able to trust Phantom again? If he can be turned that easily, he certainly isn't worthy of his title as the Black Knight's steed. With any luck, Clark will give Esroh Repus the spotlight and make Phantom spend the rest of his days eating hay in the stable, lamenting his boredom, and wondering what might have been. wink )

Loisette looked at him for a few seconds. She would much rather have been with Clarkent . . . and then she remembered that he was the Black Knight, an accused murderer and someone she had thought was her friend until she discovered he had been deceiving her for years. Her mood darkened, and she took in a deep breath. There probably wasn’t any way she could get out of seeing Tempos, so she might as well go quietly.

“Very well,” she acceded. “Take me to him.”
wallbash wallbash wallbash
