Iolanthe-- Heheh. That Tempus quote was one of my favorite fairy tale references, heh. laugh

Kathy-- Yeah, as Michael notes, it has a lot to do with insecurity mixed with not wanting to risk another fight (can't blame him for wanting to avoid another explosion!). When you're questioning whether you're doing the right thing, it can be hard to put up a strong front and protect yourself...But I do know where you're coming from...

Michael-- Yeah, Clarkent's rather insecure. And you're right--if the "commoner" Gawain thinks so ill of him, how is he to know for sure that lots of other people think otherwise?

As for the lake thing, well, things might not turn out anything like what you expected. :p But I guess you'll see that yourself!

On the other hand, Alexander might ask her to marry him on the eve of her birthday, thus spoiling everything.
Heh heh. No comment. :p (No, seriously--no comment!)

Am *really* looking forward to part 26. And 27. And 28.
Awww. But what about the others? wink I'm glad to hear that!

And did I mention I *really* *REALLY* like the posting schedule?
Haha. I'm glad. I am trying to keep it up!


Thanks so much for the FDK fix! laugh

Deja Vu