Catching up on two parts at once. Whee!

A minute later, Gawain rushed over to him. “Clarkent! You have to see this! There’s this hen over there laying eggs that are--”
LOL, when you mentioned the golden harp, I wondered, then this sent me over the edge. Too funny. I love all the fairy tale references being tossed about in this story.

A golden square was inlaid with a blood-red ruby, and on top of the gem was a magnificent flying horse. The creature’s wings were stretched out, its legs lifted in perpetual flight as its tail swayed in an invisible wind.
Ooooo! Yes, the perfect gift!

I wonder, though, after all the problems with the dragon, did neither Clarkent nor Loisette think that stealing treasure might be a bad thing?

“Oh, niiiibblies,” the third speaker continued. Suddenly, a massive form appeared in front of them. “Ha!”

“We almost died,” Clarkent panted, his heart still racing a million miles a minute.

“I know,” Gawain said with a wide grin. “Wasn’t it fun?”
Snork. Yeah, there's our Lois. lol
