Thanks for the feedback!


Hmm... I don't know, they remind me of Double-Fudge-Crunch Bars for Ogres. They sound like great fun, but once you have too many of them...
Hahahah. They're also painful--just not to teeth. smile

Gawain's sure hugging other boys a lot for a boy. Wonder if that means he's into boys rather than girls
Hahaha. Does make you wonder, doesn't it? :p

You know, if it hadn't been obvious before, this one would now be the Las-Vegas-sized neon arrow pointing to the Superman lore.
LOL. Las-Vegas-sized? Really? laugh

As for the Barbarian Kingdom, Gawain says in chapter 6, "Maybe a century ago, the Barbarian Kingdom was once united with Metropolita. They made up a kingdom called Solaria. They broke apart, but eventually they reached a truce and stopped warring. In the past decade or so, though, the Barbarian Kingdom started the war with Metropolita again."

Way better than jewelry. Well, except for a little solitaire
Hahaha. :p

They *ate* the previous owners. I'm guessing that makes it OK. But they didn't slay the dragon.
Heh. The didn't slay the ogres either. :p And a dragon angry with a kingdom is way scarier than a group of ogres.

And what happened to little Draco? Did he and the Princess become friends?
He went back to his cave mumbling about stupid humans. smile

This is actually one of my favourite parts of the whole story (and I really want to say more, but don't want to give anything away ...)
Hahaha. It's hard to give feedback when you already know what happens every step of the way, eh? laugh