I think that's the most erotic rated-PG piece I've ever read. Just perfect. And, as Lois said, not only physical but emotionally beautiful as well. I'm glad he didn't stay. You took them both to the the physical point of 'I don't care what's smart' and then brought them gently back--not into fear of intimacy, but rather into the realization of how much deeper their connection went and how precious that was. It was brilliant all around.

His fascination with her neck reminded me of a scene from the show. It's after they're married and Clark wakes up in the middle of the night to find himself alone in their bed. He goes looking for Lois and finds her doing paperwork--taxes, I think. Anyway, he starts kissing her neck as he convinces her to come back to bed. You can almost hear him thinking, "This is one advantage of the haircut." smile

This *is* my happily ever after.