Hi Female Hawk,

I've been following this story for a while now and despite my best efforts I can't resist it's charms (let me explain). I live in Melbourne and yet, am not a footy fan. I tend to drift more towards the arts and find the football culture and off field behaviour of the players, at times, more than overbearing. And if I'm honest, I only count down the days to the grand final just so I don't have to hear about football players for a few brief months. So you can imagine that selling me a story about a world where Lois Lane is completely wrapped up in all of this was a tough ask.

HOWEVER, I've loved this story and the characters you've developed, I've also loved reading about the characters travelling through destinations that are so familiar to me, what a treat! You've done a fantastic job building the suspense and sorting out practical ways to make a long distance relationship work (even if they can cheat with a little help from superpowers!).

I just have one request: Melbourne is renowned for its amazing coffee and for its snobbery when accepting nothing less than a well made espresso/cappuccino/latte/macchiato/ristretto etc. I find it hard to believe that a Lois Lane who grew up in Melbourne would offer Clark instant coffee! Please buy the Herald Sun an espresso machine wink

Thanks so much for such a great story, I'm loving ever chapter and though I'm loath to admit it, have even enjoyed the bits about footy smile
