Boy, is this getting complicated! Now we have got every one involved. I love how you've ended up linking Luthor, Mayson, Clark and Lois in the same plot. I must admit I hadn't even considered it through most of the story, but now we have a footy story, linked to a murder case in Metropolis and a drug bust in UK. I'm very curious to see how much of the story Mayson manages to put together and if she'll somehow get to St. John's name as well. Though seeing as you've managed to have her fail in every one of her attempts to harm Clark so far, I'm hoping this will be no different.

So, just to sum it all up: I love how your A plot connects them all and I'm really enjoying it (and I'm usually more a B-Plot kinda reader wink ). And I couldn't agree more with Brownie! Though I hope that even if there's no merger, Lois will head off to Metropolis. You know, hottest team in town and all that laugh . Plus, I'm sure she'd enjoy compiting (and winning wink ) with Mayson (showing her she's not only got Clark, but also investigative and reporting skills that equal or even surpass hers)

And I'm still loving Seb and Chris!!!

You can go ahead and post more laugh
