OK, now just so you know, I also toyed with making this a trilogy, and this story being the third part... but I don't have a strong idea for a story line that would work between Witness and this one, so you'd have to REALLY convince me that you need one. Cause when we last saw Lois, she was entirely unsure of her feelings for Clark. And in this one, though she hasn't said she loves him *yet*, I think it's evident where her feelings lie. wink (Besides, not much happens relationship-wise between 'Illusions of Grandeur' and 'Fly Hard.') So maybe I'm just trying to convince myself... I'll just stop now... blush

Hope you like the premise--what you know of it so far, anyway! wink

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink