I am continuing to enjoy your story very much.

“For some unfathomable reason, she didn’t want me to go to the bathroom with her.”

Charlie grabbed Frank by the lapels of his football jacket and spun him around,
Ouch. Part of me is cheering "Charlie" on at this, but a larger part is grimacing at the thought of what this is doing to the already messed-up timeline. I'm also wondering what new aches and pains this will cause Clark.

It was as if he was trying to figure out the right answer.
There is no right answer to some questions, Clark. This is one of them!

Maybe it was in his jeans or something.
More like in his genes.

“What about you?” he finally asked.
Oh, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark! She may be the one for you, but NOT at this time! Don't hit on her now, unless you want to change the timeline even more!

He gave a small groan, moving his head down to...

“Hey, kid.”
So Joe is "in loco Jimmie-is"! Given the potential implications to the timeline, I actually welcomed this interruption!

A small man, wearing an old fashioned suit and a bowler hat was standing there, watching her
Wells has come to save the day -- or at least try to. smile

So... had he already changed the future?
Clark is only just now beginning to wonder this? He is slow on the uptake! I guess being in the presence of Lois has befuddled his thinking.

I just had a scary thought -- If Clark tries to jump into the future, will he cease to exist because of the changed timelines? Or might there be a changed-timeline version of Clark, but not *this* version of him? If so, Wells really will be needed to salvage the situation!

What could possibly go wrong?
Them's famous last words if ever there were any!

Can't wait for the next part. smile
