Evelyn Sometimes I think more can be achieved with wisdom than with confict. I quite like the idea of Mayson waiting there for a long time. laugh

RE your later comment. Others may do it differently, but I don't deliberately pick the preview to lead or mislead. I give it very little thought - I usually just choose a few lines that I like. Therefore, the preview doesn't point to something big about to happen. In this case, Clark gets back safely - and I chose that bit for the 'hot and tasty' comment.

Thanks, Evelyn.

Elizabeth Glad you liked the reunion. It *would* be difficult only being able to see someone when you are hidden away. I have a nice Sunday planned for them. Thanks.

Joy Hi. Thanks for your comment. I've really enjoyed taking the characters I love and putting them in familiar (to me) surroundings. I'm so glad others are enjoying it, too.

DW Thanks. I'll post the next part as soon as I get 49 to the BRs.

SJH This is the weekend before the wedding, and we slip through the week ahead quite quickly. Thanks!

Ann Glad you liked Clark's handling of the Mayson problem. The thought of her waiting and waiting still makes me smile. Thanks, Ann.

2A2TV Clark will tell Lois about Mayson. If he didn't, and she ever found out, it's going to look like he was hiding something.


Michael You picked that it was NSJ about three parts ago, Michael!

Wow, you jumped over how many days there?
I jumped from Saturday night to Thursday between chapters! Sorry if I didn't make it clear.

she's gone on a walkabout
LOL. (Just letting you know, it's 'gone walkabout'. Sadly, this great Aussie term is now considered a little derogatory to Indigenous Australians and not used much. Some have argued that it equates being Indigenous with being unreliable. If it was used that way, I can see their point. However, I mostly heard it used in reference to non-Indigenous Australians and in such a way that clearly no offence was meant - ie exactly how you used it, Michael.)

Ooo, that would be fun. Or he could drop by as Superman and call out 'Clark, sweetie, I'm ho-ome!'.
You need to write 'The Birthday Present - What Really Happened' and put this in. It would be hilarious.

Thanks for the FDK, Michael

Artemis He will have to deal with Mayson - just not yet.

