Good part. I liked the way Clark and Lois talked about her outburst and their future.

I will, however, cut straight to the chase.

Personally I don't think that Lois and Clark's love is necessarily stronger if they "wait until the wedding night". However, you have created a Lois and Clark where abstaining until the wedding night seems very much in character, so rest assured, I'm not gong to try to talk you into speeding the moment of intimacy up. (Not that it would do any good if I tried.) wink So I have been fully prepared to wait for the fireworks in this fic until Lois and Clark are married.


"The night in the tree house," Clark said wretchedly. "I came so close to losing control ... I wanted you so much ... I scared myself."

"Were you scared because we aren't married? Or scared because we're different?"

"Both," he admitted. "I want your first time to be so special, but there is no way I can find out if ... if the practicalities will work for us ... and I have one chance ..."
I'm probably misreading you here, Corrina, but Clark's statement made me feel that he was scared of losing control to the point that he might actually hurt Lois during lovemaking. It has to do with the "difference" bit. Arguably someone with Clark's physique isn't "meant" to make love to someone with Lois's physique.

This concept - that a man like Superman can't make love to a woman like Lois Lane - was in fact the underlying premise of "Superman II". Here Superman shed his powers to be able to make love to Lois Lane, but when he realized that he had to be Superman again, he got his powers back, made Lois forget what had happened, and, we must assume, resolved never to have any sort of intimate encounter with Lois Lane ever again.

[sarcasm] Funnily enough, he was seen having sex with at least one woman in "Superman III" without killing her, so maybe he could actually have sex with all other women except Lois Lane. [/sarcasm]

Anyway, Corrina, this is what Clark's statement seemed to imply to me - that he might not be able to make love to Lois without hurting her. And if Clark's lovemaking may really hurt Lois, then Clark has every reason to be scared. Moreover, then it won't matter whatsoever if they wait for their wedding night, if Clark is "too strong for Lois", as it were. His strength isn't likely to abate just because he says "I do".

I don't think you meant to imply that Clark might hurt Lois. I think you probably just wanted to say that Clark was scared that he might not be able to stay chaste if he kept kissing Lois thoroughly before the wedding. But if that is all he was worried about, then perhaps a less strong wording would be a good idea. Perhaps you should let go of the reference to Clark's "difference", since that probably won't have any bearing on his ability to stay chaste until his wedding night?
