Preview of 41

"Are you expecting crowds of people at the entrance to the Lexor Ballroom Center?"

"The police are," Clark said. "I talked with them about it yesterday."

"Is this going to be a problem for them?"

"It shouldn't be. It's the Summer Festival that weekend, so they'll have extra numbers on duty to deal with the crowds. Our wedding will be just one more event."

"How will we get to the Lexor Hotel? Fly?"

"Linda wants a horse-drawn carriage," Clark said.

Lois giggled. "I can just see us doing that," she said. "The photos would haunt us for the rest of our lives."

Clark covered his mouth to hide his smile. "The Ballroom Centre and the hotel are only about three hundred yards apart," he said. "But I think it would be best if we were to fly - and avoid the crowds."

"Straight to the Honeymoon Suite," she said with a grin that was pure Lois Lane ... the grin that was powerful enough to achieve anything - including razing every remaining barrier between them. "Don't worry, big guy," she said. "I won't say anything more about the honeymoon now. Imagine the outcry if Superman was seen blushing like a poppy in public."
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