I'm enjoying this story quite a bit. The romance is delightful, very well paced, and very well rounded. I must admit I'm a bit surprised at how evil you made Mayson, though. I don't think I've ever encountered such an evil Mayson in any other fanfic.

Making her an unethical (and apparently a poor) reporter has a certain level of plausibility (although as a DA in the show she seemed more of a straight arrow), but making her a power hungry monster who wants to control Superman and who will stop at nothing to get Clark for herself seems a bit of a stretch. What's next, an attempt to murder Lois when she finds out that they're together? I guess every story needs a villain, especially now that Trask is gone.

That's really the only quibble I have with this story, though. I love Lois and Clark together, and Lois's support for Hawthorn, and her determination not to give up on it, feels familiar and very in character.