As for the merger thing, you told me, Corrina, that you have been a Hawthorn fan for thirty-eight years. I kind of doubt that you would have remained a fan of them if Hawthorn no longer existed, if the team had been usurped by Melbourne and become the inferior part of the Melbourne Hawks. I don't think you are a fan of the Melbourne Hawks, Corrina, not even the inferior part of it.

(Although... I remember commenting on the fact that Hawthorn have a hawk as their symbol, which I found strange. I thought that with a name like that, they should have had a flowering hawthorn shrub as a symbol instead. Any comments on that... Female Hawk?) wink

I love that Lois told Clark that by telling her his secret, he basically proposed to her. He didn't think of it like that himself, but that is what he did. And Lois needed a little time to think about his "proposal". By accepting him wholeheartedly, by agreeing to spend time with him in the same way that she had done before he revealed his secret to her, she basically accepted his proposal. Clark didn't have to pop the question for Lois to know that Clark had proposed and she had said yes. That's why she said this:

"Live in Metropolis the rest of the year?" Lois finished. "Realistically, there's a six week break between the Grand Final and the start of pre-season training. That hardly constitutes a married life."

Clark's eyes darted to her face. "*Married*?" he breathed.

Her face had gone scarlet. "I'm sorry," she said. "I ... I ... I shouldn't have said that."
She felt she was being too presumptious. I loved her explanation to Clark.

What a difference between Lois and Mayson:

"Three months ago, I was at a function - most of the Daily Planet staff was there. Mayson had just landed the first big exclusive interview with Lex Luthor - he's the third richest man in the world - and she was called up during the presentations to say a few words."

"What did she say?"

"She announced our engagement."

"She did *what*?"

"She announced that we were engaged to be married."
eek razz mad

I have no idea how you are going to bridge the "geographical gap" between Clark and Lois, but I think Lois has two missions ahead of her. First, she has to stop the Hawthorn-Melbourne merger from happening, or at least she has to make sure it doesn't happen in such a way that Hawthorn "disappears". Second, I think the Daily Planet is in really sore need of a good reporter, and it might be up to Lois to fix that. Hmmmmm. wink
